Hi people, there are some changes here. THE Elder Tyler Daniel Thorne will be my new companion and President is switching our area from the Bermuda Ward to the YSA Ward for our stake. I'm really excited for this new Ward and having Elder Thorne as my companion! Along with the fact that our sisters are friends at BYU and our families will be together this weekend in Missouri for the BYU game makes it perfect timing. President said he could call his parents to tell them so we prank called his mom and we made it seem like he was in trouble and was struggling and then we broke the real news to her and Kim was not happy with us... Sorry Kim! :) I just want to give a special shoutout to Elder Sawyer. He has been in me of my favorite companions and is one of the greatest missionaries & leaders out there. I have learned a ton from him! The mission is reaching new heights because of him. I'm glad he's finally getting a good companion after being with me - he is headed by the temple to be with Elder Chambers! :) And he's from right by Flathead Lake in Montana so only the best come from there or serve there right Grandpa Ross? We had MLC this week and we rolled out the 7 Fundamental Components of Leadership:
Stewardship Trust
Leadership Presence
Model Area
Delegation & Working through Others
Strategic Planning
We did this because once missionaries come into a leadership position, they don't always know what specifically they need to work on or do. We made a manual for these fundamentals and all of the leaders in the mission will have them to study. Yesterday for church it was a special conference broadcast for the North America Southwest Area of the church and Elder Oaks, a member of the Relief Society Presidency, and 2 of the 70 spoke to us. Elder Corbridge was one of them and he is coming to our mission in January! Elder Oaks (remember when he slept in our basement Mom and Dad?) gave an amazing talk and testimony. He emulated Christ as he spoke and I know he is one of the few special witnesses of Him on the Earth today. This church is Jesus Christ's church on the Earth today. It's let by Prophets and Apostles. Christ talks to us through them. If we read the scriptures at all, we shouldn't be surprised if they tell us things that are contrary to the world or being "politically correct." I've received revelation and understanding through personal prayer about the recent handbook addition about kids with same gender parents. It's all from God and true.Here's a picture of our last district meeting of this transfer!
One of my last pics of me and Elder Sawyer as companions
Love you all a bunch!
Elder Faldmo
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